Sunday, August 12, 2007


This weekend I was afforded the opportunity to hang out with some of my heroes. Susan Brown, Joy Kilpatrick, Noela Harmer, Jan Steane, and my mother in law Tammy Loftis have long been some of my favourite ladies. They are people that I admire, look up to, and highly esteem. Janet is single mother who has raised 3 amazing kids and works full time. I have though of her often...particularly before Elevator Camp when I felt quite on my own... Joy is very like my mother on many ways (mother happens to be another hero) in her cheeky humour and...well...she's just Joy. What can I say? Noela works quietly on the sidelines, serving faithfully and joyfully. Sue is encouraging and funny. Always has word pictures or images to understand things. My M.I.L. is tender and concerned...I was so lucky to spend time with this bunch. So lucky. I was even able to meet some new heroes I hadn't known before the weekend. Jeanne, the speaker, is intelligent in EVERYTHING and yet still has the capacity to chat and laugh (always a surprise to meet someone so wise who also laughs at silly jokes). It was an amazing time of life-learning. I know I have returned changed. I missed my little man and my big man,though. Upon returning home, I held Leif...boy-stink never smelled so good.