Thursday, November 06, 2008

the fashionister

At 2 and a half my son has very definite tastes about what he wears...he even has definite opinions about what I wear. Yesterday he began his day in leiderhausen, then we changed him into his "work" suit, and finished off the day in a T-shirt with shorts. When he's not wandering the streets in a bathrobe with jeans and gumboots, he's donning his batman jammies that are very nearly too small. But his most favoured attire is a Spiderman costume that he received from some friends. He wears this suit until it is so covered in dirt that it is barely recognizable as Spiderman. Not only is his Spiderman suit great looking, it also adorns with him magical powers. He is now able to "shoot" webs from his hands. He has climbed great heights, and not even our 6 ft. fence out back was able to deter him from greeting our neighbours (who, needlessly, to say were quite surprised to see his fuzzy little head peeking over the fence.)
I love it that his hero is a good guy and saves people. I don't know what I'd do if his super hero was Doc Oc...but is it to much ask for a super hero who takes naps, doesn't throw his food on the floor, and doesn't hit his friends on the head?

1 comment:

emblem said...

that picture cracks me up every time