Sunday, January 20, 2013

The measure of a woman

The measure of a woman in not in numbers of inches or pounds. It is not in cup sizes, or waist bands.  It's not in the complexion of her skin, or length of lashes.  A woman is more than a sum of numbers.

The measure of a woman in not in how many children she has, or how they exited her body. It is not in her ability to have children, or how those children are fed. A woman is more than a birth story.

The measure of a woman is not in how many hours she worked, or how clean her house was. It's not in how many delicious, organic meals she could churn out, or how wonderful her pies are. A woman is more than a salary.

A woman is a sum of the people she loves. The true measure of a woman is her ability to love the unlovely, forgive the unforgivable, to serve humanity and her God. May she be measured by her compassion.